Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Adaptive Equipment for Lower Body Dressing

For people with chronic back or hip pain, congestive heart failure or respiratory difficulties, bending over to put pants on can be a struggle. Many times I have shown my patients to sit and use a grabber (also called reacher) for this task. The grabber gives patients a few extra feet of reach so they can donn their pants without leaning too far forward. Last Fall I had a patient (90 year old woman with congestive heart failure) show ME how she successfully uses her cane rather than a store bought grabber. She used the curved end to hook her pants so they wouldn't fall while she reached down and sure enough was able to donn her pants! After a current patient of mine expressed to me that she did not have the funds to purchase a grabber, I remembered back to my 90 year old friend and shared the technique. She loved it.

Though I thoroughly believe grabbers can be helpful in much more than lower body dressing, I hope this post helps when considering the pragmatics of adaptive equipment training, as money can often be a barrier.

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